Test Solutions
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Tailored Test Solutions Ltd
At TTS we understand that accurate testing and/or analysis can only be achieved with knowledge and understanding of the inputs the product is subjected too. This is valid whether it is a complex sub-assembly, complete vehicle or even just a simple bracket or fastener.
Correct instrumentation is crucial to obtaining accurate and relevant data allowing the design engineers to understand exactly what is happening to their part whilst it is installed and subjected to common inputs.
TTS engineers have extensive experience in many aspects of instrumentation, from simple one off temperature measurements to full vehicle instrumentation exercises using strain channels, pressures, temperatures, displacements, accelerations, etc all being acquired simultaneously.
This 3 axis loadcell was designed and machined by TTS engineers to measure loads on a small engine mount.
The loadcell proved to be very effective with good output and very little cross-coupling.
We have since used this design for other scenarios, including seat anchorage measurements.

A requirement for measuring forces imparted to the towing fixture led to this tow ball being strain gauged and calibrated to act as a loadcell in both longitudinal, lateral and vertical planes.
The loadcell helped prove that the towbar fixture and vehicle structure needed a small amount of extra strength to complete the designated durability.
The quick release connectors allow the towball to be used on a variety of vans in the fleet with minimum disruption.
This project involved a diesel electric locomotive bogey load case collection. TTS strain gauged the bogey control arms to measure the load and strains that the two arms were subjected to under high load operation. Each bogey arm had up to 20 channels of strain and we also collected displacements using lasers and accelerations.
TTS also offer a strain gauging service for components or loadcells. We can, if necessary, carry out Finite Element Analysis (FE) to decide on the best location for the strain gauges depending on the data required.
We are currently providing a loadcell strain gauging service for one of our customers and produce around 40 samples PCM.
Photoelasticity (or PhotoE) can be useful to visualise the stress in certain applications.
Here TTS engineers have used it on a Macpherson strut top turret before the application of strain gauges. Photo E can be an invaluable tool in the development process.
This is one of the many services TTS offer to help you validate and improve your products.