Test Solutions
test services climatic chambers environmental chambers durability testing climatic testing vibration testing data acquisition test consultancy tensile test machines Lloyd LRX Instron MTS Sanwood Salt spray chamber rain chamber tts tts tts strain gauging vibration testing shaker testing durability testing mechanical testing salt spry HAST chamber 3D printing Test 3D Print 3d PLA ABS how to test 3d printed parts mechanical testing of 3d parts additive manufacturing Lloyd EZ50 500kN WCAC Testing Water charge air testingLDS V721 shaker ozone calibration
Tailored Test Solutions Ltd
Tenney T5S-5 Chambers
Excellent rapid change temperature chamber from Tenney. Change rate better than 5C/min. Water cooled. 140L capacity. -40C to +100C. Two available.

Tensile Testers
We usually have a variety of tensile testers in stock. Please give us a call for availability.
Instron Fatigue Frame
High frequency fatigue rated frame with Instron 8800 controller and elastomeric software. 7.5kN force.

Signal Conditioning
Multiple channels of both AC and DC signal conditioning.

MTS 407 Servo-hydraulic Controllers
Single channel digitally supervised analogue servo-hydraulic controller. Comes configured with DC, AC and valve driver cards. 5 available

Instron 8800 Servo-hydraulic controllers
Multi channel digital servo hydraulic controllers. Suitable for use with AC and DC sensors. The controllers can run a variety of tests

Salt Spray Cabinet
A 600 Litre dry corrosion salt spray chamber.

Servo Hydraulic actuators
A variety of servo-hydraulic actuators complete with valve, loadcell and LVDT for complete control. Sizes from 10-100kN

Data Acquisition hardware
We have numerous data acquisition systems from single to 100+ channels acquiring a variety of sensors inc. Strain, acceleration, Temperature, Volts, displacement, etc

Thermal Imaging Camera
Hire a Flir i7 camera for instant and accurate measurement and visualisation of temperature maps.

Water Chiller
Compact water chiller. Ideal for use with the Tenney chamber. Can be placed outside. 3.2kW cooling capacity

TTS have a range of sensors including loadcells, displacement sensors (laser and mechanical), accelerometers including a seat pad sensor and temperature sensors.