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Test Solutions
test services climatic chambers environmental chambers durability testing climatic testing vibration testing data acquisition test consultancy tensile test machines Lloyd LRX Instron MTS Sanwood Salt spray chamber rain chamber tts tts tts strain gauging vibration testing shaker testing durability testing mechanical testing salt spry HAST chamber 3D printing Test 3D Print 3d PLA ABS how to test 3d printed parts mechanical testing of 3d parts additive manufacturing Lloyd EZ50 500kN WCAC Testing Water charge air testingLDS V721 shaker ozone calibration
Tailored Test Solutions Ltd
Tenney T5S-5 Chamber
Excellent rapid change temperature chamber from Tenney. Change rate better than 5C/min. Water cooled. 140L capacity. -40C to +100C

Instron Fatigue Frame
High frequency fatigue rated frame with Instron 8800 controller and elastomeric software. 7.5kN force.

Bosch Rexroth Brueninghaus A4VSG 250 DS1E Hydraulic Pump / Motor
Hydraulic Pump / Motor low hours use in clean motorsport test lab. These were used as drivers / absorbers for a transmission dyno. We have 4 units available

LDS V721 Shaker
LDS shaker complete with LDS amplifier and Field / Degauss unit. Very light use and we have fully tested it. We also have a Comet controller and software if required
More stock to be added soon

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